
Education has changed. Technology is now the way to navigate in the classroom. Get with the new program. Learn Technology!!!!


  1. Wow! Grace, I 100% agree. I have a good friend who works in the field of IT. He is constantly talking about learning new protocols to keep his company's product competitive. Teaching is no different. Just because we have learned in the time of pencils and textbooks - does not mean we need to continue teaching out student this way. We need to not be afraid of being a novice - and just get after the technology. I can't wait to read more about this and other topics on your blog!!

    1. Thanks Sarah! i have enjoyed using twitter for education and technology. I am thinking about starting a 2nd account for hobbies.

  2. Hi Grace! I attempted to post a comment last night. It seems it wasn't yet approved. Let me take a moment a restate my agreement with this graphic and headline. Yes! Technology is the future! We are no longer bound to file cabinets and paper assessment. We can now unlock students potential at the individual level using our many digital resources. Keep at it! Sarah

    1. I am slowly beginning to realize that technology makes life alot easier.


Virtual Reality

Show your students the most recent technology!!! Most students probably don't know much about it. .   Virtual Reality (VR) is a com...